Description of Layout PG1000L.

Top part of the page.

The top part of the page contains five sections.
The size of each section is 190 pixels wide by 100 pixels high, the total width being 950 pixels.
You need to provide four images each 190px x 100px.
Alternatively you may provide three at 190px and one at 380px (combining two of the sections).
The total width of your images must be 950px and the height of all five images must be 100px.
If you have images but can not re-size them, we can do that for you.

Page background colour.

You need to tell us what colour you would like the background.
We need that information in the standard website format example "#FF0045".
Look at our "Colour Selector" to choose a colour

Section 6.

This is on the left and is the place your chosen menu style will be.
This style of page layout is suitable for menu styles that are virticle.
You need to give us the following information: The background colour for section 6.
The details of your chosen menu will be covered when you choose your menu style.

Section 7.

You need to tell us the background colour.
You also need to give us the text for this section.

Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11.

These sections are all optional, you may have four as shown or less.
To elect to have none would mean that section 7 would be wider.
If you do require one or more you need to tell us:
The background colour of the whole block containing the sections.
The text you require for each of the sections.